October 2025 - June 2026 30 Thursday Evenings
Venue: Institute of Group Analysis, 1 Daleham Gardens, London NW3 5BY Dates: Autumn Term: 2nd October - 11th December 2025 (Half-term, 6th November) Spring Term: 8th January – 19th March 2026 (Half-term, 19th February )
Summer Term: 23rd April – 23rd June 2026
5:30pm - 9:00pm
Course Fees:
Early Bird Fee: £ 1,987
We are offering a discounted rate for the first 20 students (individuals only, not employers) who sign up and pay before 1st August 2025.
Standard Fee: £ 2,205 Paid in full by 30/09/25. (There is also the option of paying in monthly instalments of £245, with the first instalment due on registration. Subsequent payments must be made on 1st of the month with the last instalment due May 2026.)
Please note that we are accepting bookings for the London Foundation course up until Monday, 29th September 2025. If you want to join the course after this date, please contact training@groupanalysis-uk.co.uk.
Contacts For a meeting to discuss any queries about the course with Vasili Magalios, Foundation Course Convenor, contact training@groupanalysis-uk.co.uk | 020 7431 2693.
The course is intended for people who are interested and involved in groups. The opportunity to explore an analytic approach to the dynamics of groups will occur through the theoretical sessions and as a living experience in a small group, which will meet weekly throughout the course, and will be conducted according to group analytic principles.
Group Analysis is a way of understanding group processes in small or large groups. As a method of psychotherapy in which it is possible to mirror the context of a person’s life, it has roots in psychoanalysis, sociology and systems theory. It is concerned with the reciprocal relationship between a person and the many groups of which he or she may be a part. Through it we can explore what bearing the public and private, outer and inner aspects of our life have on one another, and the dialectic between group and personal development.
Lecturers and group conductors are Members of The Institute of Group Analysis and drawn from a range of distinguished experts in their fields.
The course meets for thirty evenings, each consisting of one hour and ten minutes lecture/discussion, a break providing space and time for further discussion and social interaction, followed by a one and a half hour experiential group. Each small group will be conducted by an experienced group analyst and will determine its own therapeutic level and goals. The theoretical lecture/discussion sessions lead to increased understanding of the dynamic processes, which occur in the experiential group. In the third term the lecture/discussion will be replaced by an experiential large group, involving all participants, and this group will be convened by Vasili Magalios. The conductors of the small groups will participate as staff members.
The course aims to enable students to:
i Recognise the effect of group dynamics upon self and others.
ii Have an increased self-awareness and self-reflexivity.
iii Understand group dynamics from a Group Analytic perspective.
iv Recognise how group dynamics relate to the context of the setting.
v Recognise and use theoretical language and concepts specific to Group Analysis.
vi Understand the meaning of fundamental Group Analytic terms.
vii Understand psychoanalytic theory such as transference and projective mechanisms in relation to group development and group processes.
viii Understand how context impacts upon group dynamics in clinical and organisational settings.
ix Link Group Analytic theory with practice.
The course is designed as a unique integrated learning experience, where lecture/discussion, social interaction, small groups and the large group experience all combine and contribute to each other. A regular and consistent attendance is indispensable for this learning to take effect. Participants are required to make every effort to attend regularly and to be on time.