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Foulkes Lectures, as published in Group Analysis, with responses [Formal and ‘informal’ responses are included]



[*] Exists as a ‘member publication’ in the IGA/GASi Library, at [IOS]COX, with the following abstract:

NB a guided Shakespeare reverie led by Clare Higgins (RSC and NT) formed the epilogue to the lecture, publication without which would be incomplete: it was thus decided to publish a synopsis and a full bibliography in 'Group Analysis' [sic: untraced] and to make the original recording available on audio tape. [op.cit.][see below].  The synopsis follows, resembling speaker's notes, comprising, introduction, personal contact with Foulkes, the words in the title: a closer look, poetry, the poet and the therapist, Freud, Foulkes, Winnicott, play, citing Winnicott, ground, play-ground, development of three Foulkesian themes: trusting the group, group levels: implications of the primordial level, the aesthetic imperative, forensic psychotherapy: relevance of group analytic psychotherapy, trusting the group, group levels, forensic psychotherapy: do deviant groups really differ or not ? one luxury, closure, guided Shakespearian reverie [by Clare Higgins, one of the original pioneers behind the scenes when the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre performed Hamlet and King Lear in Broadmoor [see 'Shakespeare comes to Broadmoor', ed. Cox, M. 1992].


Also extant, as a non-commercial audio-tape in the IGA/GASi Library, and as a commercial tape, 1993, published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd., London,


Abstract:  The 1990 S.H. Foulkes Annual Lecture, Friday 18th May 1990. Readings from Shakespeare by Claire Higgins, introduced by Terry Lear, then President of the Group-Analytic Society, vote of thanks by Janet Boakes, Chair of the Council of the Institute of Group Analysis. Comprises audio tape and booklet in case. Booklet provides introduction, synopsis and cites references. 'Sleeve note': this lecture explores some aspects of creativity, metaphor and language which are common the worlds of group analysis and poetry / drama. Both depend upon poesis - the calling into existence of that which was not there before - and responsive enactment. In group analysis such enactment may be intrapsychic or evident as changing energy levels within the group matrix. There is an elective affinity between the corporate resonance of the audience-as-a-whole and dynamic processes taking place within the group-as-a-whole. One of the aims of psychotherapy is to recall and integrate previously repressed experience. The integrative power of reclaimed affect within therapeutic space often energises the group matrix and 'surfaces' in poesis. This is particularly important in forensic psychotherapy. In the lecture the concept of omniference is introduced,: this is the all-carrying-allness of the group, including the conductor, which makes analysis not only tolerable and safe, but actually inviting. Group analysis and dramatic enactment both need an adequate play-ground, a space set aside in which it is safe to play. The lecture cites passages from Freud, Foulkes and Winnicott, which refer to the comparison between the work of the therapist and that of the creative artist. It develops three Foulkesian themes: first, trusting the group, second, consideration of group levels, with particular reference to the primordial level; third, the relevance of group analytic psychotherapy to forensic issues. Trustful witnessing pays equal attention to the individual members of the group and the group-as-a-whole. Group analysis aims to utilise the creative energy inherent in matrix and metaphor to bring about affective realignment, thereby resolving transference - thus attempting to achieve metamorphosis, through modification of intrapsychic structure. After a plea for constructive dialogue between theology and group-analytic concerns, the proceedings close with readings from Shakespeare on related themes.



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