"a centre of excellence..."
"It is probably the most outward looking of all UKCP trainings..." - UKCP
Training Courses

The IGA is a member of The European Group Analytic Training Network (EGATIN) which accredits group analytic training institutes and sets standards for group analytic trainings internationally. EGATIN has 30 institutes with Full membership, 7 with Introductory or Intermediate status, a few dedicated individual members and some who have been awarded honorary status to acknowledge their contribution to EGATIN. Institutes can become full members when, as we do, they meet all of EGATIN’s “essential standards”.
Every year EGATIN provides a one-and-a-half-day workshop, its “Study Days”. The Study Days are hosted by a different member institute each year; further information about EGATIN and details of the Study Days can be found at: www.egatin.net/