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Working with Racism in Groups: Integrating Intersectional Ideas

Convened by Anne Aiyegbusi and Anthea Benjamin

Saturday 4th May 2024

10:00am – 5:15pm

Institute of Group Analysis

1 Daleham Gardens, London NW3 5BY

“and when we speak we are afraid

our words will not be heard

nor welcomed

but when we are silent

we are still afraid

 So it is better to speak


we were never meant to survive”

Audre Lord (1978)


The Black feminist idea of intersectionality recognises the unique oppressions faced by Black women at the intersection of race and gender. As indicated by Audre Lorde’s words, the struggle for recognition took place within a social order that relied upon the subjugation of Black Women, and reactions to their resistance ranged from indifference to violence. It may be argued that little has changed especially as these same intersectional dynamics regularly emerge within therapeutic groups.


In contemporary psychotherapy, intersectional ideas have gained popularity for potentially offering a framework to open up spaces for thinking and creating dialogue capable of working with systemic marginalisation and oppression. This one-day workshop will explore some key intersectional ideas, examining how they might support group psychotherapists to work with entrenched manifestations of inequality, disadvantage and exclusion within our theories and practices.



09:30 – 09:50    Registration             

10:00 – 10:10    Introduction             

10:10 – 11:10    Social dreaming matrix

Maxine Dennis, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst

11:10 – 11:40    Coffee break

11:40 – 12:45    Panel presentation: Working with Racism in Groups:

Integrating Intersectional Ideas.

Anne Aiyegbusi, Group Analyst, IGA / Anthea Benjamin, Group Analyst, IGA

12:45 – 14:00    Lunch (not included)

14:00 – 15:15    Small groups

15:15 – 15:45    Tea break

15:45 – 17:15    Large group

17:15                 Close


The programme for the day includes a number of approaches to learning in order to explore the theme of the seminar: Social dreaming matrix / Presentation of papers / Small groups / Large group


Workshop Fees: 

Public fee           £100

IGA Members    £80       

IGA Students     £60

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