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Course Aims / Learning Outcomes

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Aims of the Course

The course aims to

  • Develop, revisit, explore and deepen knowledge of group analytic theory and practice as it relates to supervision in the group

  • Provide learning opportunities which allow participants to develop their skills and experience in offering supervision of both dyadic and group psychotherapy through using the group as the medium for supervision. This is supported by their own weekly supervision of supervision

  • Provide a space to digest and integrate their learning

Learning Outcomes By the end of the course participants will have developed skills in

  • Working with the advantages and complexities of using the group as the medium for supervision

  • Using group analytic concepts and practice in the provision of supervision in the group and in the dyad

  • Integrating theory, concepts and practice in supervision through participants’ own experience of providing supervision using the group and in their learning from supervision of supervision

  • Recognising and working actively with the impact of power, position and privilege in working with difference[SP1]

  • Recognizing the context of the work, including the impact of the organisation on therapeutic work

  • Holding in mind the roles they take up in groups, and using this in their practice as supervisors

  • Providing safe, boundaried and appropriate supervision



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