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What is group analysis?

Group analysis is a form of psychotherapy based on the idea that our individual difficulties occur within the context of our relationship with others and society as a whole. Its focus is simultaneously on the here-and-now and the origins of our current concerns in the past, and on how we can move beyond these.


‘The experience of belonging to a group over time can in itself be healing. To be oneself and to have a sense of belonging; these are valuable achievements in a pressurised, at times alienated existence.' 


Morris Nitsun, Group Analyst


Sessions may be once or twice weekly, or in weekend blocks.




What is individual therapy?

Individual therapy offers a safe space in which concerns and difficulties can be thought about and worked through with a qualified therapist:


‘…. a special space in which the past can reappear in the here-and-now, a space in which past emotional conflicts are re-lived and understood with clarity, and in which new solutions to old problems are found.’ 


Angela Molnos, Group Analyst.


Sessions may be once-weekly or more, and the therapy can be open-ended or time-limited, according to individual needs. This is something to be discussed with the therapist in an initial consultation. As with all therapies it is important to commit yourself to attend regularly.



Our group therapy services

A group can be the ideal place to explore social and relationship problems as well as feelings of isolation, depression, anxiety, past traumas and concerns around self-esteem and life transitions. It provides multiple perspectives and in this way offers the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others as well as from the group therapist.


A therapy group usually consists of up to eight members plus the therapist.  Prior to joining the group, you are always offered one or more individual sessions with the group therapist to talk about your concerns and to think about whether group therapy is right for you.


Being in a group can be a rich and transformational experience. It offers a safe space to grow and learn about yourself and your various relationships in the company of others, who may be experiencing similar challenges in their lives.








Most groups are open-ended which means that an individual remains in the group until they feel they are ready to leave. Some groups are time-limited, where the end date is known from the beginning.




Our training and qualifications

All our therapists are Full Members of the Institute of Group Analysis (IGA), which means that they have undergone a full professional training in psychotherapy recognised by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). The IGA is a member of UKCP, which maintains standards for the profession in the United Kingdom. All members of the IGA subscribe to the IGA code of ethics and good practice, which includes regular supervision and maintaining a connection with developments in the field.


How can therapy help you?

Therapy can be helpful for:

  • deepening your understanding of yourself and your relationship with others

  • dealing with depression, anxiety or other emotional difficulties

  • coping with feelings of guilt, shame, frustration or loneliness

  • coping in the aftermath of painful or traumatic events

  • improving confidence, self-esteem, and social anxiety

  • reducing work related stress


Work with organisations, teams, and staff groups

With a long and distinguished track record of expertise in group dynamics, group analysis articulates fundamental processes which can be observed in all groups, and pays close attention to the relationship between each individual in the group and the group as a whole, making it a particularly valuable model for working with teams and offering reflective practice groups. It is especially valuable for those leading or working with diverse, multi-disciplinary teams in complex or challenging settings. 


A central tenet of group analysis is the value of exploring differing perspectives on any situation, not to promote certainty or to privilege one perspective, but to develop confidence and facility with the uncertainty and rough and tumble of organisational life.  Group analysts facilitate challenging conversations, sensitive to the level appropriate with a particular team. 




for those wishing to take on this role.

‘Supervision groups offer the practitioner multiple relationships with a wealth of opportunities to undertake this reflection work….In a supervision group, each member has the experience of being supervised, and of supervising as a member of the group, with the capacity of the supervisor to understand, augmented by the capacities of all the members who participate in both ways.’


Christine Thornton, Group Analyst

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Once-weekly groups meet at the same time every week for 90 minutes.

Twice-weekly groups offer a more intensive experience which can be helpful for people who, for instance, need more continuity.

Block groups take place over a weekend, usually once a month.

On-line groups take place permanently on-line which makes them available to anyone regardless of their mobility or geographical location.

Specialist groups focus on particular issues, e.g. eating problems, childhood sexual abuse; stages of life, e.g. young people’s groups or older people’s groups; or particular identities, e.g. groups for professionals such as medical doctors, groups focusing on gender or sexuality.

Family and couples therapy is something you may wish to consider if the difficulties you are experiencing concern your relationship with people with whom you are currently in a close relationship.

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Training Group Analysts offer twice weekly groups which include, but are not exclusive to, trainees and those interested in training on the Qualifying Course in Group Analysis at the IGA.  For a list of Training Group Analysts please contact the Clinical Services Committee on 020 7431 4431.

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The IGA is a charity registered in England and Wales (280942), and in Scotland (SC040468); and is a company registered in England and Wales 01499655

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