October 2025 to June 2026 6 Saturdays + 18 Tuesday evenings Venue: Online Times: Tuesday evenings 6:00pm - 9:15pm and Saturdays 10:00am - 5:15pm
Course Fees Registration fee: £100 (non-refundable)
Early Bird fee to the end of March 2025 of £1300
Full fee: £1450 (payment options available)
To Apply:
Please contact Anne Reilly (annereilly@turveygroupwork.co.uk) or Jo Edwards -Goodman (joedwards@turveygroupwork.co.uk)
Once you have been offered a place on the course, to gain access to the IGA Student Area, you will need to complete an online application form on the IGA website. To start this process, go to: The Institute of Group Analysis > Training Course Registration and fill out the form the form for this course. The IGA Training Co-ordinator will then be in touch with a unique Student ID and information on how to register for the Student Area.
If you wish to discuss the course content, please contact the Course Convenors. For any other queries, please get in touch with the course convenors Jo Edwards joedwards@turveygroupwork.co.uk or Anne Reilly annereilly@turveygroupwork.co.uk.